for you, my Jeffrey Philip Tang.
‘how could you leave me with such a long way to go’, 2024,
installation, poetry & performance
exhibited at ‘MISHMASH',
Fine Art Exhibition,
Blindside Gallery, Melbourne

it was not an ordinary day
i woke up from a dream i couldn’t remember
it’s rare for me
i usually remember my dreams better than my reality
the pillow was moist and slightly salty
i guess it has now become the breeding ground for a new kind of reality
that i was given
to feel
i wonder what flowers will bloom from it
the thing about death
is that it makes you grow up
if the definition of growing up
is realising the reality
and not being able to get distracted from it
i remember the day when i received a video call from you
i’ve been expecting it for days at that point cause
you haven’t been replaying to my messages and calls
which is odd
you usually pick up my calls like reflexes
that day i picked up with excitement
and yelled ‘jeff!’, as i always do
but instead of you replying, ‘hey neryhs’
it was your father on the other side of you call
i didn’t understand what was happening
even thinking it was some kind of joke
i asked where you are
you father paused and said,
‘jeff’s no longer with us anymore.’
which i did not understand
or my brain just simply refused to
and so, i asked again
‘what do you mean?’
then your father said, ‘jeff’s passed away’
right in the split second when the word “no…”
fell out from my mouth
i felt it
something in me, shattered
11 months have passed by
and i am still failing to understand what it is
that is shattered
or where it is in me
but i am sure there is something broken
cuz why else would tears keep leaking from me
and i have absolutely no control over it
i can only let it attack and drown me
over and over and over and over and over and over
i’ve been getting better at handling everything else
but this
this pain is always new
everytime i feel it like it’s the first time again
the only time in 7 years that you ever hurt me
you hurt me like this
you, being the talented artist you are
i almost want to give you the credits for the creativity
and the dedication
maybe this is my punishment
for not being able to recognize love
in time
in my defence
i did not grow up with love like this
it was not the love i was familiar with
your love was patient
it was so warm
i was never asked to change
not a bit
or to smile when i need to tear up
or to be a more thoughtful person
when i have thoughts that no one cared for
it was a hug,
that was just a hug
not a hug for apologizing after hurting each other
it was a cure without side effects
it was home
i didn’t know love like this exists before you
it was beyond my imagination
after all
human can only imagine so much
as imagination still stems from knowledge
loving you is the easiest thing
too easy that it made it too difficult to recognize
it took me way too long
and way too much to know our love
maybe your death is my punishment
for being so foolish
because why else would you leave me with such a long way to go
without you
but i think i deserve this pain
i think i deserve this pain
no one can ever give me an answer with certainty
about the why
why it happened
but i guess the why doesn’t matter anymore
when now
there is a soul i love
waiting for me at my death
now i understand that living and dying
are two sides of the same coin standing
and we are on its edge
in between
going forward
going on a wheel that circles
until it falls
and i can run or dance or jump or crawl
or i can stop
feel the balance
i can sleep on it
i can cry on it
i am living on it
dying on it
i never expected this much freedom
with pain like this
but i guess
that’s just how it is